Through our partnership with Tier 1, we are now able to offer remote data wiping – a perfect solution for employees working from home.
We know how important it is for your company to keep their data secure, and with the shift to more home-working, it has become harder to manage. Now, Tier 1 is able to wipe a computer, no matter if that computer is in the office or at an employee’s home.
This fully GDPR compliant service allows the employee to start the process themselves by sending an email to Tier 1, who in turn will send through a few simple instructions to start the data wiping. All data will be eradicated from the device using HMG approved software, and then a tracked collection will be arranged with the user to allow the equipment to be collected from their home.
This cost-effective solution is ideal for those organisations who are looking for a data destruction service for their remote workers.
Your organisation can also use this service to donate IT assets to Computer Aid International, rather than laptops and computers sitting in the draws of your remote worker’s homes, they can be put to good use through our refurbishment program, giving these devices a second life, and offering technology access to those who need it most.
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