Solar Learning Lab at Diepsloot School, South Africa - Computer Aid
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Solar Learning Lab at Diepsloot School, South Africa

The Solar Learning Lab installed at Diepsloot School South Africa has created a unique space for learning, and the opportunity for students to gain 21st-century skills.

The lab is managed by local partner Code for Change South Africa, who work to bridge the skills-gap in the ICT job market in South Africa. They train students in skills ranging from PC Basics to intermediate coding and also host IT Technician workshops. Their intensive hands-on training programmes empower and develop young people to be competent in ICT, and enable them to use their skills to find rewarding employment and enhance the quality of their lives. Code for Change will deliver the Dell Youth Learning programme and leverage the technology of the Solar Learning Lab in the most inclusive and effective way for Diepsloot’s student population.

The Solar Learning Lab marks the first ever installation of computers at Diepsloot School, being of great benefit to over 700 students, aged 14-19.

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):



Our work contributes directly to Target 4.1 of SDG 4, by improving secondary school educational outcomes for boys and girls. Additionally, students are gaining relevant technical skills that will improve their job prospects, contributing to Target 4.4.
This project directly contributes to Target 5.B of SDG 5, since we select schools who have a similar ratio of girls to boys and actively promote the usage of equipment by both genders, ensuring that no individual is excluded.
By providing 10 secondary schools with computer labs and assistive technology such as projectors, allowing thousands of students to access information and communications technology, we are directly contributing to Target 9.C of SDG 9.
ICT Equipment used in projects is donated largely from companies; equipment is data-wiped and refurbished before being sent to projects. Therefore, this project is directly contributing to Target 12.5 from SDG 12, by reducing e-waste and allowing technology to be reused.

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